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St. James' Little Free Pantry

St. James now has a Little Free Pantry located on the lawn on the north side of the chapel.  It is available for anyone in the community who may need assistance with food insecurity.  At this time the Pantry is stocked with food and personal hygiene items.  We would appreciate donated items as time goes on, but we would ask that you bring these items into the church and not directly place them into the Pantry. We are trying to track what items are frequently taken and keep a balance of different types of food in the Pantry. 

 Donation suggestions: No glass containers. Hygiene items such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo ... no sharp objects like razors.  Food items such as cereal, canned vegetables, canned fruits, individual servings of fruit or applesauce, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, spaghetti sauce, mac and cheese, canned tuna and other canned fish or meat, soup, granola bars, taco shells, individual meals.  These are just suggestions, and we welcome any donations.  


This is a brand new project, and we are starting slowly.  If you have any questions, please contact Erin Rinaker (402) 571-3264. 

Earlier Event: March 14
Church Services
Later Event: January 23
Weekly Lessons